Initial FOMO Offering (IFO)
Exploring the IFO
Initial FOMO Offering (IFO) stands at the forefront of a groundbreaking shift in the DeFi landscape. By pioneering innovative techniques, IFO is not just changing how tokens are distributed and liquidity is provided on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) – it's reshaping the very foundation of the DeFi ecosystem.
How It Works
When a developer launches a fundraising campaign, they decide on a discount for investors beforehand. As the sale begins and investors start purchasing, those who invest early receive a bigger discount compared to those who join later. This creates a FOMO effect, encouraging more people to invest quickly. As the sale progresses, the discount gradually decreases. By the time the sale ends, investors who join towards the end receive tokens at the listing price. However, early investors have a stronger vesting compared to latecomers, which helps balance their position and prevents major drops in token value after listing.
Modeling the IFO Mechanism
Imagine a scenario where a developer launches a presale on our IFO platform with an initial discount set at 25% for participants. As the presale progresses and 4% of the allocation is snapped up by investors, the discount decreases by 1%. This gradual downward trend persists until the presale is fully subscribed, meaning that those who get in early secure the maximum 25% discount, while latecomers may only benefit from a minimal 1% discount by the end of the sale.
Key Features
KYC badge — 25%
Audit Badge — 25%
SAFU badge — 50% SAFU
No badge — Red indicator
One badge — Orange indicator
Two badge — Yellow indicator
All three badges — Green indicator
Last updated