Purpose of Fundraising
Uniforge network intends to allocate the funds raised from the Token Sale for the below purposes:
Project Development
The majority of the total raised amount will be invested into the development of the product. Developing product with advanced analytics are paramount to the success of the project.
Marketing and Public Relations
Quick market penetration will result in rapid growth in the scale of on boarding users to the application.
Business Development
Business development plays an important role in the success of the Uniforge network project. Therefore, investing in building and nurturing partnerships will be of great importance.
Continued improvement of the proprietary strategies will help keep the project ahead of the competition.
Some percentage will be kept in reserve for any future fundraising requirements.
Funds will be used to cover the operating costs and the legal & compliance costs. Uniforge network gives utmost importance to adhere to the legal and compliance requirements of the local jurisdictions.
Last updated